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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.

Tutorial on
Emerging Low Power Wireless Technologies for IoT (ZigBee,Q LoRa and 6LoWPAN)


Ata Elahi
Southern Connecticut State University
United States
Brief Bio
Ata Elahi is a Professor of Computer Science at Southern Connecticut State University, USA. Dr. Elahi received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1982. He is the author of the following books: Computer System: Digital Design, Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and ARM Assembly, Springer, 2018 ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments", Springer, 2015 ZigBee Wireless Sensor and Control Network, published by Prentice Hall, 2010 Data, Network & Internet Communications Technology, published by Thomson Learning 2006 Network Communication Technology published by Delmar Thomson learning 2001

Due to the fast growth of IoT applications, the ZigBee Wireless Sensor, and LoRa Wireless Technologies, have become the most widely used technologies for IoT devices. They are used in automation processing, chemical plants, refineries, Reading Meters (water, gas, electric), and commercial buildings as well as home automation. This pervasive integration of ZigBee and LoRa technologies into IoT implies that the use of wireless sensors is becoming more prominent and that control networks are rapidly growing. Furthermore, Forbes Magazine projects that the IoT market will be a $265 billion industry by the year 2020. To accommodate this burgeoning technology, numerous standards are being developed for wireless sensors and control networking such as SP100.11 (Wireless Systems for Automation) by the Industrial Standard for Automation (ISA), Wireless HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) by the HART organization, IPv6 over Low Rate Wireless Personal Network (6LoWPAN) by IETF (the Internet Engineering Task Force), Thread Wireless Technology (Thread Group), LoRaWAN by LoRa alliance, and ZigBee by the ZigBee alliance. The following is a list of the more common applications for wireless sensors and control networks: 1.Commercial Building Automation 2.Home automation 3.Industrial and process automation 4.Energy and utility automation 5.Health Care 6.Remote Control.


ZigBee,LoRa,IoT,6LoPAN, Wireless Sensor Network

Aims and Learning Objectives

The primary purpose of this tutorial is to provide a basic understanding of current wireless sensor technologies such as ZigBee, LoRa, and 6LowPAN. It is intended for educators, researchers, system designers, embedded programmers, and anyone looking to learn more about Wireless Sensor Technologies.

Target Audience

It is intended for educators, researchers, system designers, embedded programmers, and anyone looking to learn more about Wireless Sensor Technologies.

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

Networking Knowledge

Detailed Outline

Tutorial Topics
A. ZigBee Wireless Sensor
1.Wireless Sensor and Control Technologies
2.ZigBee Wireless Sensor and Control Network
3.ZigBee Protocol Architecture
4.IEEE 802.15.4 Physical Layer
5.IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer
6.Network Layer
7.Application Support Sublayer (APS)
8.Application Layer
10.Address Assignment and Routing
11.ZigBee Home Automation Profile
B. IPv6 over Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN)
2.6LoWPAN network architecture
3.6LoWPAN Protocol Stack
4.Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) over IEEE 802.15.4
5.The 6LoWPAN adaptation layer
C. LoRa Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN)
2.LoRaWAN Key Features
3.LoRaWAN Applications
4.LoRaWAN Architecture

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