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Publication Partners

Publishers interested in an agreement with IoTBDS, concerning the publication of the proceedings or the post-publication of selected papers in journals or books, can contact the event secretariat to suggest a partnership or propose a publication service. IoTBDS is ready to collaborate with publishers that provide a wide and prestigious dissemination of the scientific and technical work presented at the event, including facilitating the presence of those publishers at the venue.

Science and Technology Publications, Lda

SCITEPRESS publishes a wide variety of high quality scientific and technical publications in various areas of knowledge, mainly in the form of conference and workshop proceedings, tutorials, journals, e-books and on-line courses. SCITEPRESS focuses on empowering each researcher with the keys to have her/his work recognized worldwide. SCITEPRESS DLIB publications are equipped with ISBN, ISSN, DOI as appropriate, indexed in Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; Semantic Scholar, Microsoft Academic and also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.


CryptoNewsZ is a News Publication that brings the latest news on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, ICOs, crypto exchanges, DApps, price analysis of cryptocurrencies, interviews and other prominent events for the crypto community.

We aim to evolve the crypto world and help people understand each and every concept. Ours is a commercial website providing exclusive news and information with an extensive reach of users across the globe.

Open Journal of Big Data

OJBD, an open access and peer-reviewed online journal, publishes original and creative research results on the field of Big Data. OJBD distributes its articles under the open access model. All articles of OJBD are fully open access and online available to

International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence

A short list of papers presented at the conference venue will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in a special issue of International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence

Expert Systems

A short list of papers presented at the conference venue will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in a special issue of the Expert Systems journal.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things; Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems is a comprehensive journal encouraging cross collaboration between researchers, engineers and practitioners in the field of IoT & Cyber Physical Human Systems. The journal offers a unique platform to exchange scientific information on the entire breadth of technology, science, and societal applications of the IoT.
