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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2017 | 2016

IoTBDS 2017

Best Paper Award

Area: Internet of Things (IoT) Applications
A Dataset and a Comparison of Out-of-Order Event Compensation Algorithms
Wolfgang Weiss, Víctor Juan Expósito Jiménez and Herwig Zeiner

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Security, Privacy and Trust
Perceptions of Digital Footprints and the Value of Privacy
Luisa Vervier, Eva-Maria Zeissig, Chantal Lidynia and Martina Ziefle

Best Poster Award

Area: Big Data for Multi-discipline Services
Big Data Analytics Framework for Natural Disaster Management in Malaysia
Mohammad Fikry Abdullah, Mardhiah Ibrahim and Harlisa Zulkifli

Best Demo Paper Award

IoTBD 2016

Best Paper Award

Area: Big Data Research
Subgraph Isomorphism Search in Massive Graph Databases
Chemseddine Nabti and Hamida Seba

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals
A Utility Paradigm and Roadmap of Internet-of-Things in Thailand for Digital Economy Development towards ASEAN Economic Community
Jeerana Noymanee, Wimol San-Um and Thanaruk Theeramunkong

Best PhD Project Award

Surfing the Third Wave of Computing - Contracting with eObjects
Kayleen Manwaring
